Скачать сборку пиксельмон на версию 1.12 2.

Pixelmon Mod 1.15.2 is a mod that adds several monsters of the Pokemon GO anime in minecraft. Do you really love Minecraft and also Pokemon GO? Then you will definitely love this mod, as has been highlighted by its addition of Minecraft cute critters that are almost up to three hundred in total.

An important reason why this mod has been able to win the hearts of many is that it allows you to add it without having to remove other Mods. This means zero interference, you can use Minecraft minimaps, which will help you a lot to find pokemons.

One of the main reasons why you’ll love the Pixelmon Mod are: Players are allowed to exchange monsters were captured, as well as in real life, there is also an attack system, to battle monsters, and more news that will keep you excited about this mod.

Find these monsters will not be an easy task, they are out there in the world, and you will have to walk a lot to be a pokemon master, use mods like will help you a lot to find these Pokémon as you are flying around the world, if you want to venture out looking for land, then you will need a mod maps to help you, all this can be easily found on our website.

Pixelmon Mod 1.14.4 Changelog

This is a list of some alterations and bug corrections made recently to Pixelmon, along with the changes that the version made to the mod.

Version 5.0.0 Beta 6


  • Added config option to scale wild Pokémon and NPC Trainer levels based on the distance from the world spawn point
  • Added Pokémon editors
  • Added recipes for several decorative items
    • Item list


  • Added confirmation screen for releasing a Pokémon
  • Fossil blocks are affected by Generation config settings
  • Made traders spawn in all biomes
  • Reduced Thunder Stone tool effect to Efficiency III
  • Split the wiki and Pokédex hotkeys


  • Fixed camera during evolution
  • Fixed crash when breaking Apricorn trees
  • Fixed crash when learning moves
  • Fixed crash when using a move relearner
  • Fixed Dig depleting tool durability
  • Fixed duplication issue with boxes, end tables, and fridges
  • Fixed freeze when evolving a Pokémon after defeating a boss Pokémon
  • Fixed Legendary Pokémon not spawning
  • Fixed losing items after looting from custom-loot PokéLoot chests
  • Fixed mounting Pokémon with an empty offhand and an occupied main hand.
  • Fixed Rare Candies affecting level 100 Pokémon
  • Fixed Shiny Pokémon always displaying as male
  • Fixed Thunder Stone armor giving Mining Fatigue instead of Haste

Pixelmon 5.0 / 1.10.2, 1.11 Update Showcase

Pixelmon Mod Installation

This guide will explain how to install Dragon Mounts Mod for Minecraft 1.12 and older versions. All download links can be find below.

  1. Find the appropriate version.
  2. The downloaded file is an automatic installer; when you run it, make sure you select “client”.
  3. When the Forge installation is done, open the Minecraft launcher and click “Edit Profile” -> “Use Version” . There should be an option named after the Forge version you installed. Choose that and click “Save Profile”.
  4. Close you Minecraft Launcher.
  5. Download the latest version of Pixelmon.
  6. Open the Minecraft launcher, press “Edit Profile” and then “open game dir” to open your Minecraft folder, open the mods folder and place the Pixelmon file there. If there is not a mods folder, create and name the folder accordingly before placing the file inside.
    • Do not extract or unzip the file .
  7. Now just boot up Minecraft , and if it loads without crashing then go to the mods screen on the main menu. If it lists Pixelmon as one of the mods, Pixelmon is installed!
  8. Enjoy!

Note: If you are still having problems to download or install the file, do not hesitate to ask for help in the comments below, we will respond in less than 24 hours.

Клиент добавляет в игру все, вам известных покемонов. Все мы в детстве хотели иметь себе таких, ну что ж у вас появился шанс заСбориметь себе целую коллекцию.

Так же клиент генерирует кучу новых мобов которые будут стоят на вашем пути. все покемоны хорошо прорисованы, не в обычной графике майнкрафт а хорошей графике, ни каких квадратиков. Так же в сражение с монстрами для получения покемонов вам помогут те покемоны что уже накопились в вашей коллекции. В общем клиент очень классный и забавный который, сделает вашу игру намного круче чем было ранее.

Список Модов:

appliedenergistics2-rv0-stable-10 - Электронные сундуки, автокрафт, полнейшая автоматизация
BiblioCraft - Декорации для дома
BiomesOPlenty-1.7.10- - Красивые биомы
Chisel-1.7.10-1.5.6a - Куча декоративных блоков
CodeChickenCore-1.7.10- - Необходим для работы других модов
CoFHCore-3.0.0B5-30 - Необходим для работы других модов
Color-Blocks-Mod-1.7.10 -Цветные блоки, ступеньки
extrautilities-1.1.0j - Индустриальный мод. Замена BuildCraft
gases- - Взрывоопасные газы
gasesCore- - Все из пачки для мода Gases
gasesFramework- - Все из пачки для мода Gases
gasesFrameworkCore- - Все из пачки для мода Gases
gasesFrameworkWAILA-1.0.0 - Все из пачки для мода Gases
growthcraft-apples-1.7.10-2.1.0 - Все из пачки для мода Gases
growthcraft-bamboo-1.7.10-2.1.0 - Все из пачки для мода Gases
growthcraft-bees-1.7.10-2.1.0 - Все из пачки для мода Gases
growthcraft-cellar-1.7.10-2.1.0a - Все из пачки для мода Gases
growthcraft-core-1.7.10-2.1.0a - Все из пачки для мода Gases
growthcraft-fishtrap-1.7.10-2.1.0a - Все из пачки для мода Gases
growthcraft-grapes-1.7.10-2.1.0 - Все из пачки для мода Gases
growthcraft-hops-1.7.10-2.1.0 - Все из пачки для мода Gases
growthcraft-rice-1.7.10-2.1.0a - Все из пачки для мода Gases
InventoryTweaks-1.59-dev-152 - Сортировка инвентаря
liteloader-1.7.10 - Дополнительный мод для работы других модов
LycanitesMobsComplete 1.9.0f - Жуткие и злые мобы
Mantle-1.7.10 - дополнительный мод для работы других модов
NotEnoughItems-1.7.10- - Рецепты крафта
OpenComputers-MC1.7.10- - Мод на компьютеры
OptiFine_1.7.10_HD_A4 (1) - Увеличение FPS
Pixelmon-1.7.10-3.2.5-universal - Покемоны
secretroomsmod-1.7.10- - Секретные двери, рычаги, кнопки, окна, люки
ShinyFood-Mod-1.7.10 - Множество новой пищи
StevesCarts2.0.0.b16 - Универсальные вагонетки
StevesFactoryManagerA90 - Облегчение работы с инвентарем, специальные трубы
TConstruct-Mod-1.7.10 - Улучшенные кирки, топоры, мечи
ThermalExpansion-4.0.0B5-13 - индустриальный мод. Замена IC2
ThermalFoundation-1.0.0B3-8 - Необходим для работы ThermalExpansion
TMechworks-1.7.10 - раздвижные мосты и датчики
twilightforest-1.7.2-2.2.3 - Сумеречный лес. Новый мир со своими мобами и боссами
VoxelMap-Mod-1.7.10 - Карта
Waila-1.5.3_1.7.10 - плагин для NEI

Creator: epicSplashBattle

Pixelmon is the most comprehensive and feature full Pokémon mod out there, and it adds a slew of whole new content to the game.

Where other mods may adds a few Pokémon monsters and beasts that roam the world, but are otherwise not able to be interacted with, Pixelmon completely changes the way you play.

It lets you capture and keep over 340 various Pokémon, and it has a large and varied attack system, featuring over 500 attacks, attacks which include status effects and stats modifiers.

Pixelmon also adds a overlay to your game, showing your current Pokémon, and their current status. There’s also a fully functional Pokédex, allowing you to keep track of all the different monsters!

Many other features from the games are also included, such as evolution stones that lets you evolve certain Pokémon, 3D Pokéballs and accompanying capture animations to help immerse you in the world, as well as trainers you can battle, befriend, or make your new nemesis.

Here is a list of some of the features included in the Pixelmon Mod:

  • 340 Pokémon
  • Functioning Pokédex
  • Evolution Stones
  • Pokémon Overlay
  • Comprehensive attack system featuring over 500 attacks, including status effects and stat modifiers
  • Multiplayer support
  • Full PC Storage System, allowing you to store your captured Pokémon
  • 3D Pokéballs and capture animations
  • All Pokémon models are to scale, as specified by Bulbapedia
  • Trainers you can battle
  • Friendship system allowing you to make friends
  • Aggression system allowing you to make enemies
  • Hammer and anvil system that allows you to craft your own Pokéballs
  • More and varied Pokéballs, including: Heavy Ball, Level Ball, Love Ball, Moon Ball, Friend Ball and more
  • Trading, allowing you to trade Pokémon with your friends, and to evolve certain Pokémon
  • Apricorn trees
  • Fossil Machine that allows you to revive fossils found around the world
  • And more!

All in all, it is a pretty great mod, although it might act a bit wonky at times. Those issues are easily offset by the sheer awesomeness of the mod though.

The mod also has its own resource pack, but it doesn’t seem to change much, so it is optional at best.

How to install the Pixelmon Mod for Minecraft:

  • Download the mod.
  • (Important) Download and install (version
  • Open your Minecraft folder (in Windows: Start -> Run -> “%appdata%\.minecraft”).
  • Copy the mod .jar, file(s) you downloaded to the “mods” folder found inside the .minecraft folder.
  • There you go, Pixelmon should now be installed and ready to be played, enjoy, and have fun becoming the best there ever was!

Here’s a showcase of the map made by Lachlan, check it out:

Mod 1.12.2/1.10.2 (Play Pokemon GO in Minecraft) – A legendary mod from the old days of Minecraft had done an impossible: combined the legendary Pokemon into the inspirational world of Minecraft.

The Pokémon video game series has used real-world locations such as the Hokkaido and Kanto regions of Japan, New York, and Paris as inspiration for the fantasy settings in which its games take place. In Pokémon GO, the real world will be the setting! And with Pixelmon Mod, you can commit yourself to becoming a Pokemon trainer. Get your first Pokemon. Catch other Pokemon. Train your Pokemon to become stronger. Travel across the land. Collect eight official gym badges. Traverse the perilous Victory Road. Challenge thePokemon League.

Pokemon is one giant legend in the gaming community. It is the awesome childhood of many gamers, who are willing to spend hundreds of hours to find and collect exotic creatures, evolve them into powerful beings and aim to be “the very best”.

The unlimited creativity of Minecraft community combines with the highly customizable Minecraft has given birth to Pixelmon, reliving childhood memories of now-grown-up Pokemon and Minecraft lovers. The collaboration of 2 biggest, most popular games feels just like a nostalgic yet modern dishes. Pixelmon features Pokemon of all Generations, combined with latest Minecraft mechanism, ensuring a never-before-seen gaming experience.
Pixelmon is regularly updated (the newest version is 1.10.2) and requires Forge Mod Loader to run.

Gameplay of Pixelmon:

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