Matveyev L P theory and technique of physical culture. And professional applied forms

Matveev Lev Pavlovich (08.22.1924 - 21.07.2006)

Since the founding of the Department of Physical Education and Sports in 1977, on the basis of the Chelyabinsk State University (First Classical University in the city of Chelyabinsk) and so far we work closely with leading scientific and educational centers and scientific schools of world and domestic sports science. However, few people remember that the first supervisor at the department was a Korife of Sports Pedagogy, one of the most famous Soviet and Russian scientists in the field of theory and methods of physical education, physical culture and sports, doctor of pedagogical sciences (1965), Professor (1967) , Honored Scientist of Russia (1984), Honorary Doctor of the German Higher School of Physical Culture (1985) Lion Pavlovich Matveyev. Working in Moscow, Lev Pavlovich led the scientific activities of a number of scientists in the regions of the country. One of his students was then Mikhail Galimizanovich Ahmedianov, who later became a professor, head of the department of physical education and sports by Chelu.

Professor L. P. Matveyev is a graduate of the State Central Institute of Physical Culture (1950; Nowadays the Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism), one of the most authoritative specialists of Russia in the field of theory and methods of physical education, physical culture and sports. Lion Pavlovich author over 350 scientific papers, including those known in the whole world monographs "The problem of the periodization of sports training" (1964), "Fundamentals of a sports training" (1977), "Introduction to the theory of physical culture" (1983), "Essays on theory physical culture "(1984)," Theory and Methodology of Physical Culture "(1991) and textbooks" Theory and Methodology of Physical Education "(1967, 1976)," Theory and Methodology of Physical Culture "(1991)," Theory and Sport Methodology "( 1992) who have repeatedly reprinted and in demand so far in our country and abroad. Works L. P. Matveyeva translated and published in more than 30 countries, on the four continents of the world. Under his scientific leadership, the cycle of research and development was successfully implemented on key problems of theory and methods of physical culture, sports training and recreational gymnastics.

Professor L. P. Matveyev created a fundamental scientific school, which deserved high international authority. Matveyev and his students have made a significant contribution to the creation of conceptual, program-regulatory and educational foundations of the domestic system for training athletes.

All Life L.P. Matveyev paid great attention to the upbringing of highly qualified specialists. He put his talent and head of the head in justification, the development and implementation of the scientific content of professional physical education, which was expressed, among other things, in the innovative content of modern programs for bachelors and masters, as well as for graduate students and doctoral students engaged in sports science. Under the leadership of L. P. Matveyev, more than 100 candidate and doctoral dissertations were performed.

Lion Pavlovich Matveyev for many years led a greater and highly efficient scientific and methodological, organizational and methodological and social work. He remembered as Chairman of the Presidium of the All-Union Scientific and Methodological Council on Physical Culture and Sports, a member of the Chief Coaching Council of the Soviet Committee of the USSR, Head of the State Council for Physical Education, Activist Society "Knowledge", Member of the National Olympic Committee and the Olympic Academy, Executive Vac of the Ministry of Education Russia, the scientific consultant of many physical education and sports organizations of Russia, universities and industry research institutes, leading coaches and athletes.

Lion Pavlovich in different years successfully worked in the leading sports university of our country. Passing the way from the senior teacher, the associate professor, the head of the scientific laboratory, the Vice-Rector for Nir, L. P. Matveyev performed the responsibilities of the rector and was the head of the department of theoretical and methodological foundations of the physical culture and sports of the Russian State Academy of Physical Culture (Moscow), which today wears The name "Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism" (Hzolifk).
For scientific works, L. P. Matveyev at different scientific competitions have repeatedly been awarded gold medals, medals "for the best research work in physical culture and sports", diplomas and other awards. The significant contribution of L. P. Matveyeva to the science of physical culture and sports recognized both on an international scale. He was awarded the title of honorary doctor of science in a number of foreign universities (German Higher School of Physical Culture, University of São Paulo). He is marked by the Medal of Yana Amos Komensky (Czechoslovakia), the Medal "For Special Merit" (Bulgaria), other signs of recognition of Brazil, Spain, China, Cuba, Poland, Chile, Yugoslavia and other countries.

L. P. Matveyev was awarded 18 state orders and medals. Among them, rewards for tact exploits on the fields of the Great Patriotic War: the Order of the Patriotic War I and II degree, the Red Star, Medals "For the Defense of Leningrad", "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." etc. Among the awards for the labor differences, the medal "For Valiant Labor", the Order of the "Friendship of Peoples" and "For Merit to Fatherland".

Physical education. Sport. Tourism. Motor recreation. 2016. T.1, No. 1

UDC: 796 (092)

About milestones of life path

and scientific activities of Lev Pavlovich Matveev

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Z.A. Gasanova-Matveyeva

Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth Policy and Tourism, Moscow

All in the world will cover the dust of oblivion, only two do not know either death, nor toy; Only the case of the hero and the speech of the sages pass the century not knowing the end.


Lev Pavlovich Matveyev is one of the outstanding founders of the scientific content of modern general theory and methods of physical education, physical culture and sports. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of theoretical and methodological foundations of physical culture and sports, founder of the Patriotic Pedagogical School on the theory of physical culture and sports.

Lev Pavlovich was born on January 22 (August 22), 1924 in the city of Tver and grew in the family of a prominent commander (Division Commissioner). In adolescent years, Pavlovich's heavy lion came, sometimes even cruel tests, when his parents were subjected to notorious unrighteous repression. Father Paul Denisovich Matveyev died in 1939, and Mother - Anna Sergeevna Matveyeva - in 1943

In 1931-1941 Lion Pavlovich studied in a secondary school, and since 1940 (in parallel) in the pedagogical school. Studying, at the same time he trained according to gymnastics and other sports. He spoke on the youth triathlon competitions: gymnastics, cycling, shooting. At the end of the external with honors from the Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky pedagogical school in the Chita region, a teacher of physical education was left in it. Then came the largest in history Bloody Great Patriotic War. It happened to participate and the dedicated patriot of his fatherland Leru Pavlovich, as well as many of his peers: another young man, as he said "Green Youth", in 1942, changing the date of birth (see above), left the volunteer in the current Red Army. He was sent to the Mongolian People's Republic of Fizruk Battalion (Transbaikal Front). And before that, he entered the Chita Institute, to the historical and philosophical

L.P. Matveyev with Father and Mother: Father - Pavel Denisovich Matveyev and Mother - Anna Sergeevna Matveyeva. Photo of the 30s

faculty. In 1943, he was sent to the Military School (SWPU - the city of Sretinsk) and at the end he took part in hostilities on the forefront, as the front-line, "on the front", on the Leningrad and 1-111 of the Baltic fronts of the Great Patriotic War on the Command posts (commander of the artillery platoon, battery, head of physical training of an artillery brigade in Dnepropetrovsk) up to the end of combat operations (with temporary finding in the early hospital). He fought bravely, twice was injured (1944) and for the manifested valor was repeatedly awarded by combat orders and medals. However, adversity, who did not pass the Leo Pavlovich since the adolescent years, according to him, "he did not work out with a gloomy, sullen world view." He said, I think, first of all, because in our Human environment there was a lot of truly good, thoughtful and decent people, and also because fate provided it with the opportunity to receive enough versatile education - including pedagogical, historical Philosophical, military, physical education.

After demobilization from the army (March 1946), he worked as a senior inspector of the Chita Regional Committee on Physical Culture and Sport and continued in correspondence training at the Historical and Philosophical Faculty of the Pedagogical Institute (initiated in 1942).

Lion Pavlovich considered himself happy most because he found his life vocation and followed him without changing, all the main life. He said that he found him in a surprisingly interesting and truly significant sphere - in our field of physical culture and sports. Its vital for humanity and its prospects, according to L. P. Matveyev, is difficult to overestimate.

He considered our university nice and said that he became for him not only a permanent place of service, but also by the house, and family.

This is how the life of L. P. Matveyev began in his beloved university, at the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education (Timfv).

In 1946, he entered the Special Faculty of State Central Order of Lenin Institute of Physical Culture. Stalin (Hzolifk). In parallel with the training worked as a coach and a teacher in gymnastics in the HColipc and the 2nd Moscow State Medical Institute. Starting with student years and all the years of their life led research work on the theory and methods of physical education, physical culture and sports. At the end of the hcolifec with honors (1950), he was recommended for graduate school under the department of the theory and methods of physical education headed by Professor A. D. Novikov, while continuing coaching and teaching activities. According to classmates of Lev Pavlo

L.P. Matveyev in training with comrades. Photo of the 40s

vicha, being still a student, he was distinguished by the mind, talent, a serious attitude to study, was delivered to the essence of all subjects, which were studied at the institute, comprehended them, carefully analyzed. He took an active part in the discussions held between students, graduate students, could always defend its point of view of the importance of the problem, justifying it. This caused a deep respect for Lion Pavlovich. The fellow students also say that, watching Lev Pavlovich, when he was a graduate student, they saw him deeply acquainted with articles in the magazine "Philosophy Questions". This philosophically configured scientists seemed to them all the years of study at the Institute. This is also considered to be Professor N. I. Volkov, and others.

In 1954, upon completion of studies in graduate school, L. P. Matveyev was left at the Timfv Department as a senior teacher. In 1955, he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences on the topic: "Comprehensive physical training as a consideration of sports specialization" (to issues of sports theory). Scientific consultant - A. D. Novikov.

I would like to emphasize some moments characterizing Lion Pavlovich Matveyev as a student who devoted to his scientific leader A. D. Novikov. In the 50s, as the Timfv and other departments of the Department of Chairs told and wrote and wrote, in the life of the department, an alarming phenomena arose, due to the general ideological situation in the country (you can read more details written by L. P. Matveyev in a book dedicated to 80 - And the 85th anniversary of the RGAFK. - M.: Physical education, education and science, 1998, 2003. - P. 132-137, 254-259, and in the collection of theses of the conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of A. D. Novikov . Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education. - M., 2006, conducted by L. P. Matveyev).

According to the status of that time, A. D. Novikov was removed from the head of the department. When the question was seriously raised to appoint Lerl Pavlovich another scientific leader, as well as to change the thesis of the dissertation work, he, categorically refusing, said that he did not need another scientific leader,

and he will offer the thesis of the dissertation work itself. Almost the 3rd year of study took the topic that he had suggested - "the unity of the general and special training of athletes." But when the defense was held, A. D. Novikov had not returned to the institute, the defense took place without a supervisor. Here, with such difficulties, I had to face Leru Pavlovich. But he did not give up. As a brave fighter, he was able to overcome, remaining a supporter of his teacher's views, in particular, he always called for maintaining and multiply moral values. On the eve of the "warming" by A. D. Novikov, with the support of the department and a wide range of supporters, returned to the head of the department

The next life stage of L. P. Matveev began

It is worth noting that according to the special permission of the Ministry of Higher Education and the permitting of the WAK on December 8, 1964. For the first time in the history of higher educational institutions of physical culture, in the history of our institute - HColifk was defended by the dissertation for the degree of doctor of pedagogical sciences of our profile. The first to whom the honor fell and who submitted his many years of scientific work on the court of the Sports Council, the Associate Professor of the Department of the Theory of Physical Education of the HColiphk, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences L. P. Matveyev.

On January 8, 1965, L. P. Matveyev successfully defended his doctoral dissertation devoted to the problems of the periodization of sports training. There was more than four hundred teachers, graduate students, institute staff, leading coaches, athletes and guests at the defense. The largest specialists took part in the expanded meeting of the scientific council: physiologists, doctors, teachers from Leningrad, Moscow and other cities, Professor A. B. Gan-Delsman, A. G. Debo, G. I. Kukushkin, A. V. Kontokov, A. D. Novikov, I. A. Kryachko, A. A. Markosya N, D. A. Semenov, A. C. Puni and MN. Dr.

Official opponents were performed: d. M.N., Professor K. M. Smirnov (Hzolifk); Corresponding Member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences RSFSR Professor P. A. Rudik; d. M.N., Professor N. V. Zimkin; Honored coach of the USSR K. A. Iinashevsky and nine informal opponents: Professor Hzoliphk, TsNIIFK, employees of the Central Council of the Union of Sports Societies and Organizations of the USSR.

Opponents invited from other scientific institutions and universities gave a high assessment of work. Studies conducted by L. P. Matveyev were closely linked to the practical activities of leading athletes, their preparation for the Olympic Games. In particular, about this close-friendly friendly scientist with athletes, warmly responded and gave a high assessment of the Honored Master of Sport Yuri Vlasov and other athletes and coaches.

The first defense of the doctoral dissertation in the hcolifk, in which hundreds, thousands of remarkable athletes, coaches, teachers, scientists, are an important event, a new milestone in the life of the country's leading physical education university. This is how Dr. L. P. Matveyeva laid the beginning of the village

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Attachment 1.

Exercise examples for the development of speed-force abilities in karate.

1. Jump in height from a place with a preliminary jump in the depth. The height is differentiated depending on the age and individual abilities of the athlete and is from 30 cm to 1 m or more. The pause between jumps can be from the minimum to 5-7 seconds, with the smaller the pause, the more growing the training effect of the speed-force endurance. The volume, as the intensity, again depends on the level of an athlete, but on average, 3 approaches of 10-12 repetitions.

2. Long jump. The principle of implementation is well known, so it is necessary to stop only at that moment that in karate all workouts are carried out mainly on the tatami, which significantly reduces the danger of this exercise and we can use it with athletes almost any level. The volume and intensity are established depending on the individual abilities of the athlete. It should also be remembered that the higher the intensity, the greater the effect of high-speed-force endurance.

3. Flexing and extension of hands in the stop lying (push-ups) with cotton in front of them. Exercise is great because despite any volume and intensity specified by the coach, the athlete falls on each repetition to apply speed-powerful efforts to throw themselves at that height that will allow him to have to clap the palm and return the hands to its original position on floor

4. Basic exercises with burdens from the Arsenal of Powerlifting (bench press, launched, rod, bending hands, belt to the belt). The magnitude of the burden should be no more than 60% of the maximum. The intensity is high with an emphasis on the "explosive" nature of the initial movement. The volume is higher than when working with maximum weights (3-4 approaches 12-15 repetitions). It is important to remember that all exercises with great burdens (iron) we begin to give athletes from 17-18 years.

5. Exercise is a business card of Nizhny Novgorod athletes Karate, raising a whole complex of physical qualities, including speed-power - running the stairs. 20 spans of a unique simulator act as approaches, the duration of which up to 10 seconds with a pause between them. Variating the speed of the runway and the magnitude of the pause and the number of lifts, we can have an impact not only on a whole complex of physical qualities, but also on the moral and volition component of the workout.

1. Fight with "shadow" in weights. It is important to focus on performing non-single blows, but logical ligaments. Effectory technique should not suffer on the background of fatigue. After completing the exercise, you must perform the same thing without weights. The volume of work in the SFP karate should be calculated on the time intervals of the fights, i.e. For athletes 12 - 17 years 1.5 - 2 minutes, for adult category 3 minutes.

2. Working out of individual impacts with resistance (harness). By changing the rigidity of the harness, the number of repetitions and their intensity we achieve the necessary training effect, provided that each action is performed with maximum speed-power characteristics.

3. Another unique exercise resulting from the previous one - work on harnesses with inversion. The essence of this exercise is that the athlete, accepting I.P. - The main combat rack, initially stretches the harness. The execution of the strike in this case does not represent any difficulty, but here is a quick return of the impact unit to its original position (which is critical in karate) meets resistance.

4. Exercises on projectiles were described in detail in the main part. An important refinement to them will repeat that the amount of work performed must correspond to the duration of the competitive battle. It is necessary to achieve this at the expense of low intensity at the beginning of the training process, but without reducing the speed-power indicators of the shocks or ligaments themselves, and gradually increasing the intensity. It is important to remember that the lower the intensity, the higher the speed-power component of each individual action. Rising intensity, thereby increasing the component of the speed-force endurance.

Appendix 2.

Sample plan-abstract training with a speed-power accent of the carat athletes of age category 12-17 in the preparatory period of a year-old macrocycle with training regimen 5 times a week.


A) jumps with a rope. 3 * 3min. There is no pause between sets. The last 10 seconds of each set is the maximum acceleration.

B) stretching exercises, including both dynamic and static exercises (first static, then dynamics). 5 minutes.

2. Main part.

A) battle with a shadow with weightlifiers. 3 * 3 min. Pause between approaches - 30 seconds.

B) Fight with shadow without weights 1 * 3 min. Special attention to the "explosive" nature of attacking actions.

Rest - 3 min.

C) work on the bag. 4 approaches for 3 minutes.

1. Performing attacking bundles in the coach team. In the intervals between the teams athlete leads defensive work. Teams are fed sharply, suddenly. The task of the athlete is lightningly react to the command and carry out an attacking bundle of 3-4 shots.

Rest 30 seconds.

2. Applying single blows with maximum speed-power characteristics, but low intensity.

Rest - 30 seconds.

3. Filling previously spent attacking bundles with maximum explosive effort (3-4 impact). Intensity is not high. After each bundle made, you need to "twist", i.e. Move with respect to the previous position.

Recreation is 30 seconds.

4. This approach is divided into microcycles for 1 min. In the first minute, the athlete must perform single counterattaking actions after conditional protection (blocking, reset, failure). The second minute is different from the first fact that counterattack actions are not performed in single mode, but by counterattaking ligaments. In the third minute, the athlete is fully moving to work in the first number, conducting attacking bundles, and by the end the intensity of actions should increase, reaching its maximum in the last 10 seconds of work.

Holiday 3 minutes.

D) work on the paws.

1. The coach exposes a paw under the athlete's blow, which should immediately react and put an accurate, accented hit. Volume - 3 minutes.

Rest 30 seconds.

2. Expanding previously worked attacking ligaments. Volume - 2 bundles for 3 minutes each. Pause between them - 30 seconds

3. Lestenka. Performing a predetermined strike in the paw in a coach account, and for each next account is performed on one punch. Each punch is performed with maximum speed-power characteristics without pauses between shocks. Volume - 4 shifts, each up to 10 accounts (one shift for each hand and leg), pause between shifts is 1 minute.

Rest - 3 minutes.

E) work in pairs.

1. The development of predetermined attacking ligaments by a shuttle way, i.e. First, one of the partners performs an attack, and the other is protected, after the last strike, the defending immediately goes into the attack using the same attacking bundle. Volume - 3 shifts on one bond on a shift for 3 minutes, a pause between shifts is 30 seconds.

2. The same work, but no longer one bundle, and all three previously used bundles are carried out in turn in the same shuttle mode. Volume - 3 minutes.

Rest 1 minute.

3. The same work, but the bundles are carried out in a free order, strictly observing the shuttle mode. 3 minutes

Rest 1 minute.

4. One of the partners constantly attacks, the other is protected, but by the team of the coach performs an "explosive" counterattacking bundle of 3-4 shots and again proceeds to protection. Volume of 3 minutes with changing roles. Pause on changing 30 seconds.

Rest 1 minute.

5. Training and training fights with a change of partners. 3 * 3 minutes. Pause on changing 30 seconds.

Rest 1 minute.


1. Cultivation of individual crown techniques and fins (blows in the fall, with rotation and so on.) 10 minutes.

2. Calm 3 minutes.

  • Evseev S.P. Theory and organization of adaptive physical culture: textbook. In 2 t. Volume 2 (document)
  • Evseev S.P., Shapova L.V. Adaptive Physical Culture: Tutorial (Document)
  • Glazin A.A. Formation of a healthy lifestyle of cadets of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with the means of physical culture and sports (document)
  • Item and content of discipline Physical culture (document)
  • n1.DOC.

    L. P. Matveyev


    And technique



    (General foundations of theory

    And techniques of physical education;

    Theoretical Methodical Aspects of Sports

    And professional applied forms

    Physical culture)

    Admitted to the USSR State Committee

    In physical culture and sports

    As a textbook for institutions

    Physical culture

    "Physical Education and Sport"

    BBK 75.1 mzz


    Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Bondarevsky E. Ya.,

    Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Grewalovsky A. A.

    Matveev L. P.

    MZZ Theory and technique of physical culture (general foundations of the theory and methods of physical education; theoretical and methodological aspects of sports and professional-applied forms of physical culture): studies. For In-Tov Piz. Culture. - M.: Physical Education and Sport, 1991. - 543 s, Il.

    ISBN 5-278-00326-X

    The textbook is written in accordance with the program according to the modified discipline of the new curriculum of the institutions of physical culture - theory and methods of physical culture.

    The textbook contains material on the main part of this discipline - the general basics of the theory and methodology of physical education, as well as on specialized sections of the subject - theoretical and methodological aspects of sports (as one of the main components of physical culture) and vocational forms of physical culture.

    m 4g o, OOOO - g _ 9,

    ISBN.5-278-00326- X.

    Publishing House "Physical Education and Sport", 1991



    The textbook sets out the main theoretical and methodological content of the subject "Theory and Methodology of Physical Culture and Sports", provided for by the new curriculum of the institutions of physical culture as the general-profile discipline of higher physical education.

    As you know, the content of this academic discipline in its modern form is divided into several relative to independent and however, closely interconnected problem cycles. The first cycle is the introduction to the theory of physical culture - is considered in the previously educational aid "Introduction to the theory of physical culture" (under the general edition of L. P. Matveyev, M., Fis, 1983). This textbook presents the general foundations of the theory and methods of physical education as an essential phenomenon in the field of physical culture, as well as profiled provisions relating to two main specialized areas in the system of physical education - sports training and vocational training.

    The learning literature on the subject in the coming years will be replenished with developments specifying the method of physical culture and sports in age and other aspects (methods of physical education of children and students of young people, methods of mass forms of the physical culture of the adult population, the technique of sports and physical culture-conditioned training), which will allow Complete the scientific and methodological equipment of the subject.

    The textbook was prepared by L. P. Matveyev with the participation of M. M. Bo-gene (materials for ch. IV), F. G. Kazaryan (materials for ch. VI), E. P. Vasilyeva (materials for ch. VIII), B. I. Zagorsky (materials for ch. XIV), G. G. Sanoyan (materials for ch. XV). The authors are grateful to the team of the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education of the Hzoliphka and specialists-other institutions for helping to work on a textbook, as well as official reviewers A. A. GU-Zhalovsky and E. Ya. Bondarevsky.

    Methodical recommendations and explanations to the text.The first mandatory prerequisite for productive work with the textbook is a preliminary durable learning of the knowledge contained in the "introduction to the theory of physical culture", especially the opportunities ("physical culture", "Sport", "System of Physical Education") and basic ideas about the forms and functions of physical culture, its structure and development trends in modern society.

    The generalizing nature of knowledge reported in the textbook obliges when working with it to rely on scientific and theoretical information and actual data from other disciplines of the curriculum of the institutions of physical culture, including disciplines of biological, psychological and pedagogical, social science and vocational and practical cycles. References to interpolesal bonds on the relevant sections of these disciplines are made in the text of the textbook.

    It is already advisable with the initial familiarization with him - on the table of contents - to the overall logic of building a textbook, to understand the structure of the largest sections and chapters, turning attention to the fact that its content is set out on the concentric principle and the principle of a consistent transition from the general provisions to their differentiated concretization with the final return to the integrity-general appearance. Accordingly, at the beginning (chapters I - III) gives a general characteristic of physical education activities - target installations and tasks, the aggregate of funds used to implement them and methods, the most important principles governing this activity. After that (Chapter IV-IX) selectively, with the adopted conditional dissection, separate parties are considered by the process of physical education (teaching engineering actions, education of physical and closely conjugate abilities), as well as its connection with other types of upbringing. Then (chapters of X-XI) again the object of consideration becomes a holistic process of physical education in a real-unnecessary form, but as if through the prism of the unifying structural structures and basic operations for its planning and control. All this in the aggregate is the first part - the general foundations of the theory and methods of physical education. In the second part of the textbook (chapter XII-XV), the features of two applied-specialized (profiled) directions in the system of physical education - sports training and professional-applied physical training due to the holistic characteristic of sports and professional-applied forms of physical culture, which should Supplement to a general understanding of the essence of physical education to create concretized ideas about the specifics of its varieties practiced depending on the individual inclinations, the abilities and needs of the preparation of people to work.

    Several explanations for symbols and design fragments of text. To focus on the most important provisions, concepts, terms, they are highlighted in various typographic fonts (italics, bold, discharge). Additional remarks, explanations and examples in most cases are scored in the text of Petitus, taking into account the likely differences in the level of preliminary preparedness of the subject.

    We go, made by two ways: first, in a page traveler, where data on publications on related disciplines and individual problems affected by the presentation are given; Secondly, in the instructions on the list of generalizing and overview of literary sources, which is cited at the end of each chapter. In the second case, the designations in brackets, for example (lit. 1, 3) or (overview - lit. 2), mean that the corresponding factual data or review information is contained in special publications listed under the indicated numbers at the end of the chapter.

    The text also identifies internal connections between chapters, sections and units of the textbook if it is necessary to perceive the content of one or another chapter, taking into account the sections or subsections set forth in other chapters. This is done in the form of designation in the brackets of the digital heading of the respective chapters, sections, subsections. For example, the designation (ch. I, 2.1) indicates that preliminary or deepensable information is contained in the first, second section, the first subsection. Similar references within the same chapter are made without the designation of its numbering (for example, 1.1).

    Part one

    General foundations of the theory and methods of physical education

    Section I.. General characteristic of physical education: focus,means, methods, principles

    Chapter I. Focality of Physical Education

    Chapter II. Funds and methods in physical education (systematization characteristics) Chapter III. Principles governing physical education activities

    Section II.. The main aspects of the content and methods of physical education

    Chapter IV. Basics of learning motor actions

    Chapter V. Education of motor-coordination and some directly

    Associated with them

    Chapter VI. Education of power and high-speed abilities

    Chapter VII. Epiphany

    Chapter VIII. Directed impact in the process of physical education on

    Posture, flexibility and some physique properties

    Chapter IX. Communication of types of education in the process of physical education

    Section III. Formation forms; Planning and control in physicalraising

    Chapter X. Forms of building classes in physical education

    Chapter XI. Planning and controlling the process of physical education
    Part One General Basics of Theory and Physical Education Methods

    Section I. General characteristic of physical education: orientation, means, methods, principles

    Chapter I Focusing Physical Education

    1. Pedagogical character and specific focus of the process of physical education

    As is known, physical education (lit. i) is used by the main channel of the admission of each to physical culture and one of the most important components of the system of education of a person in society. As one of the types of education, physical education is an educational and educational process, characterized by all inherent in the pedagogical process with general signs (the leading role of the teacher-specialist, the focus of the activity of the educator and educated on the implementation of the tasks of an educational nature, building a system of classes in accordance with the didactic and other common-goal principles, etc.). At the same time, physical education is characterized by its specific features.

    Normally, physical education is a long-term process propagating on all those following after birth of the periods of ontogenesis (individual development) of the individual. The content and forms of this process in different periods naturally change depending on the patterns of age-related development of brought up, the dynamics of living and activity conditions, as well as the logic of the deployment of the process itself. In the first many years of stage, this is the basis of its general basic course of the physical education of the younger generation, conducted in preschool institutions and schools, in family, physical culture and sports and other organizations. In the following perennial stages, the physical education process is significantly modified, differentiates and more and more acquires the nature of self-education, especially in people of mature and older. However, in these stages, physical education should not lose certain features of the pedagogically directed process in the sense that

    Physical education, including self-education, should always be aimed at implementing tasks, meaningful with educational positions, and to build in accordance with the pedagogical principles, rules, provisions.

    The peculiarities of physical education that distinguish it from other types of education are mainly that this is the process flowing on the patterns of activities that ensures the orderly formation and improvement of motor skills and skills along with the optimization of the development of so-called physical qualities of a person whose aggregate in the decisive Extent determines its physical capacity. In other words, physical education is a process of teaching motor actions and education of individuals inherent physical qualities that guarantee the directional development of abilities based on them. This does not limit all the content of physical education, but it most often characterizes its specificity.

    To clarify the essence of the case it is fundamentally important to clearly represent the relationship between the physical education and physical development of the individual * (Fig. 1). Physical development as a process of changing the natural morphofunctional properties of the body in ontogenesis occurs according to its natural patterns, which no one is free to abolish (the patterns of age sequence and uneven development, the interaction of genetic and environmental development factors, etc.). Due to these patterns, different periods of age development (from the intrauterine to senile) are consistently replaced, during which the forms and functions of the body undergo significant changes (in particular, the length of the length and volume of the body increases several times, and the body weight, The values \u200b\u200bof the power manifested by muscles, minute volume of blood and a number of other parameters characterizing the morphophun-coherent properties of the body, its physical qualities and functionality, is repeatedly, some even 20-30 times or more). Deploying on natural laws,. The process of physical development of a person is largely due to the specific social living conditions, activities and especially physical education.

    Depending on the whole set of factors and conditions of physical development, it may have a different nature - to be a comprehensive and harmonious or limited and disharmatically

    * Understanding the physical development as a holistic process of morphofunctional changes in the organism in ontogenesis should not be mixed with a pure anthropometric interpretation of this term, when they denote some measured bodily signs (in particular, linear and volumetric sizes of the body). In the latter case, we are actually not about the process of physical development, but on the individual anthropometric indicators of the physical condition of the body.

    Impact on physical development

    In the process of physical education

    (contours indicated by thickened

    Lines and arrows)

    Fig.1. The scheme of the ratio of age-related periods of individual physical development (in ontogenesis) and dominant forms (species and species) of the long-term process of physical education

    The age periods are allocated by the classification adopted by the VII All-Union Conference on the problems of age morphology, physiology and biochemistry of the USSR APN.

    Nothing. Knowing and skillfully using the objective patterns of this process, it is possible to influence its dynamics to give it the features, preferred for personality and society, ensure the directional development of vital physical qualities underlying motor abilities, an increase in the functionality of the body, increasing the overall level of performance necessary for creative labor and other socially useful forms of activity; It is also possible, in all likelihood, to significantly push the timing of the age involution (regressive changes) of the physical condition of the body, naturally coming as aging. It is advisable to influence the process of physical development, to optimize it by directing the path of physical improvement of the individual, and is implemented under certain conditions in physical education.

    Thus, the physical development of a person and its physical education is closely related processes. At the same time, they are different in nature, and without understanding the real relationship they cannot be understood by the essence of physical education. * Physical education in relation to the physical development of the individual acts as a kind of management start - a source of advisable guide influences. True, talking about the management is legally only in the conditional sense (referring to objectively existing restrictions), since physical development depends not only on physical education, but also from the whole population of various factors and conditions, social and natural, including genetic. Nevertheless, in a complex of social factors guiding a person's development, physical education owns a special role as the type of education specifically oriented to optimize physical development. In the general system of education, it is physical education that it is intended to make a major contribution to the improvement in the qualitative and quantitative criteria for the physical development of the individual, to emphasize the individual physical development features of an appropriate directional process.

    The main factor in the practical impact in the process of physical education on the functional properties of the body, and through them and its structural-bodily properties is the active motor activity of the raised (or raised independently), ordered so as to ensure the formation of rational methods of performing motor actions, skills and skills, and at the same time intensify the development of physical qualities, motor and related

    * The said does not allow to confuse the concepts of "upbringing" and "development" when characterizing physical education. Often, they are often mixed by the unlawful use of the term "development" to refer to an integral part of the physical education of the education of physical abilities (when it is called "the development" of physical abilities), which, unfortunately, is found in special literature.

    They are the abilities of the individual. Natural in the natural sources and mechanisms of motor activity are given in the process of physical education of the culture of the O-P reformed. This means that it is not spontaneously, but intelligently purposefully, not "how to do someone", but according to the principles, rules and standards established in the field of physical culture, not in any forms, but in forms typical of this sphere (physical Exercises of a strictly regulated nature, physical cultural and gaming and sports varieties of motor activity) corresponding to the essence of physical education and contributing to its effectiveness.

    All of the above leads to understanding the specifics of those tasks, on the solution of physical education. At the same time, it is very important that in the process of physical education, as in any holistic pedagogical process, not only tasks, closing on the peculiarities of a separate type of education, but also common tasks pursued in the social system of education as a whole are solved. The unity of the physical and spiritual development of a person, except for other things, is that the normal development of the person is impossible without a motor activity and that it acquires the importance of one of the effective factors of genuine human development only under the condition of spirituality, objectively predetermines the relationship of all types of education, including Physical, mental, moral, aesthetic. Strictly speaking, to consider them as separate types of education is permissible only in abstraction, they are closely interrelated in life as uniform sides of the whole.

    2. The essence of the tasks solved in physical education, and the shape of the specific formulation of them

    2.1. Objective and basic tasks in physical education

    2.1.1. Social origins of the goal pursued in physical education

    The general goal, put forward by the Company in the field of education for a long term and the outlining of the overall result of education, is due to indigenous social needs. In a truly humane society, it ultimately follows from the need to create and increasingly use of increasing social opportunities for the comprehensive development of a person, which involves the orientation of all the terms of education for the formation of a "harmoniously developed socially active personality, combining spiritual wealth, moral purity and Physical perfection "* Accordingly in the system

    * CPSU program (new edition). Materials of the XXVII Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. M., Polizdat, 1986. p. 163.

    The topic of physical education constituting an integral part of the socialist education system is pursued by the goal - on the basis of the full use of physical culture factors to realize the possibility of optimal physical development of people, comprehensive improvement of physical qualities and related abilities in unity with the education of spiritual and moral qualities characterizing themselves socially active personality; Provide on this basis the preparedness of each member of society to fruitful labor and other socially important activities.

    When specifying this cardinal goal, both the individual interests of the free, unlimited development of the individual and the practical needs of society are taken into account. At the same time, the practical orientation of the goal comes primarily from the objective requirements imposed on the physical development and physical fitness of a person in the main sphere of its life-in labor.

    It is known that the progress of social proceedings naturally changes the place and functions of a person in the labor process, expanding and efficiently changing the requirements for labor skills, skills, abilities. As the founders of scientific communism were foreseen, at a certain stage of the historical development of society, the problem of "partial working, simple carrier of a known partial public function, to be replaced by a comprehensively developed individual arise, is inevitably arise. The real opportunities to solve this problem in relation to the entire mass of workers will appear only in the Society of the highest level of development. But already under socialism in the conditions of the scientific and technical revolution and radical lifestyle changes, such trends in changing the nature of labor, as the elimination of a narrow separation of labor functions, an increase in actively regulating and creative began in labor activity, a close connection of physical and mental labor, . As a result, the range of requirements for the development and preparation of production workers is expanding. Freeing them from the exhausting costs of physical forces, technical progress does not exempt from the need for optimal physical preparation for labor activity. It becomes clear if you take into account at least the following circumstances.

    One of the decisive conditions of high productivity of labor was and remains a high level of overall performance, based on strong health and normal (relevant natural patterns) of human physical development.

    * K. Marx and F. Engels. Op., Vol. 23, M., politicization, p. 499.

    At the same time, in the conditions of modern material production to the physical and directly associated abilities of workers, new requirements are imposed. More and more types of labor require instead of gross physical efforts to be fine coordinated and precisely calculated motor actions, instead of a few purely stereotypical skills - the ability to master all the new improved forms of movements. Already among the existing professional specialties, many such, skill and production achievements in which are substantially dependent, figuratively speaking, from the sophisticated culture of movements (such as the setup of complex industrial aggregates or tests of new equipment, in particular aviation). In many modern labor processes, elevated lability and stability of the functions of the senses (analyzers), general psychophysical endurance and a number of other physical and directly related abilities are required. In the future, as serious social projections show, the trend towards combining and dynamic updating professional specialties will increase, which will require an appropriate change in the nature of training, including physical. Especially high and versatile requirements will be particularly satisfied with those who will make the decision of the most important tasks on the development of new spheres of life (which now can be seen by the example of the requirements for cosmonauts). Thus, technical progress in the field of labor does not remove, and in a certain aspect exacerbates the need for physical preparation for labor activities, albeit in another than before, the attitude.

    In the target installations put forward by modern socialist society in front of the system of physical education, until it may not be reflected and the requirements of a practical nature that arise from the defense functions of society and the state. Although our society in the person of its state consistently holds the policy of the world, preventing wars, the discharge of international tension, international cooperation, it would be unwillingly if passively belonged to the danger of unleashing the war from aggressive forces.

    The practice of a modern military is indicated that the physical preparedness of the warrior remains one of the main components of the high-combat capability of the army. Objectively, the requirements for it with the progress of military equipment are not reduced, but increase. As the rates of technical re-equipment accelerates the rates, the army still needs people able to master complex military equipment in a short time and effectively apply it in a combat situation requiring the limit mobilization of spiritual and physical forces. In this regard, as well as in connection with the extraordinary increase in the mobility of troops, an increase in the specific gravity in them such labor of troops, like aviation, airless, tank, atomic

    The underwater fleet, new tactical and strategic conditions of hostilities (the global scale of the likely combat operations, etc.), undoubtedly increases the role of specialized military-applied physical training. Its improvement in relation to new conditions allows you to create the necessary prerequisites for an effective military service, to arm the warrior in it by motor skills and skills, increase the degree of functional stability of the body to the action of stressful factors of the combat situation, bring up endurance and other physical qualities, extremely important in military tests.

    So, the applied orientation of the target pursued in the system of physical education, as in the entire system of education, is due to well-defined public needs that are rooted in the field of labor and are still relevant to the military business. It is not by chance that the complex of basic software and regulatory installations of an applied nature in the Soviet system of physical education is introduced under the motto "Ready for Work and Defense of the USSR" (GTO).

    Having such an applied orientation, the system of education in a truly humane society should be aimed at the same time on unlimited, comprehensive human development, because in its highest expression "calling, appointment, the task of every person - to comprehensively develop its abilities" *, as required in the final account of the laws of public progress. It is clear that the possibility of realizing the goal in this main sense depends on the specific social conditions. At the present stage of the development of a socialist society, the stage of its indigenous restructuring, the transformation of the education system in it, including the system of physical education, provides for, as well as a radical strengthening of its role in ensuring the comprehensive harmonious development of each member of society.

    2.1.2. Main goals

    The considered goal is specified as a whole complex of tasks, which, as it were, as individual terms of the objectives, express it in relation to the sections of the multifaceted process of education, the stages of the age development of brought up, the level of their preparedness, specific conditions for achieving the results of the results. The tasks in the process of physical education can be divided into a certain convention on specific and common-breeding.

    Specific tasks.The main problems of specific tasks solved in the process of physical education are: 1) the tasks of optimizing the physical development of a person in the direction of the comprehensive development of the physical qualities of physical qualities, the improvement of motor abilities, consolidation and

    * K. M ARKS and F. Engels. Op .. M .. politicize, vol. 3, p. 2.s2.

    Long-term conservation of health; 2) Specific educational tasks involving the systemic formation of the most necessary motor skills in the life of the individual fund, skills and related knowledge ("physical education"). Specifically, the essence of these two groups of tasks expressingthe specific orientation of physical education is as follows.

    First group of tasks.The purpose of physical education is, among other things, in the measure of objective opportunities to ensure the optimal development of the person inherent in the person of physical ka. "Physical qualities" is called congenital (inherited genetically) morphofunctional qualities, thanks to which the physical (materially pronounced) activity of a person who receives its full manifestation in expedient motor activity is possible. Of course, the differences of this kind of human qualities from its other qualities are relative, since in reality they are all organically conjugate with each other, but they need to distinguish them like how they distinguish physical and not physical labor, physical culture and other parties to culture, etc.

    The physical qualities of the individual has long since include muscle strength, speed, endurance and some other quality similarities (such, in particular, as flexibility). Studies, especially intensively deployed in recent decades, expanded and deepened the ideas about the functional and structural foundations of this kind of qualities and the properties of the body limiting their manifestations in various modes of motor activity. At the same time, they revealed as if the "varieties" of these qualities and their peculiar combinations in the form of comprehensive physical abilities were revealed whatit made it possible to compile more complete and at the same time the differentiated characteristic of them. Among the physical qualities and derivatives from them, human abilities are particularly significantly influenced by the performance of motor activity, high-speed, speed-power, motor-coordination qualities and abilities, general and specific endurance *.

    The concepts of "physical qualities" and "physical abilities" in a certain respect coincide, but they are not identical. The physical qualities of a person make up the qualitative basis of its physical abilities, in other words, characterize their qualitative originality. The latter in this respect is legitimate

    * Overview of existing ideas about the complex of physical qualities of a person and related abilities, see, for example, V. M. Zokiorsky: Physical qualities athlete. M., FIS, 1970; "Anthropomotoriki questions in physical education and sports" (S. Chelikovski et al. Karlov University), Prague, 1978. A brief description of the main physical qualities that determine the human motor abilities, given in the chapters of this textbook on the upbringing of these qualities, abilities (ch. V-VIII).

    Consider as derivatives from physical qualities *. At the same time, physical abilities are not reduced only to physical qualities. Manifesting themselves in activity as motor abilities, they are practically inseparable from motor skills and skills purchased in life as a result of training or self-employment methods of activity are formed and improved in unity with them. That is, physical abilities as motor abilities are a kind of comprehensive formation, the basis of which is the physical qualities, and the form of manifestation is motor skills and skills.

    The entire variety of motor abilities of a person lies, as already mentioned, the combination of those of its natural qualities, rooted in the bodily structure and functions of its body, thanks to which it has the opportunities to show power, speed and power in movements, to give them the necessary scope and coordinate them in Motor Action Composition, carry out long-term physical work, despite the resulting fatigue. The level of development of these qualities in a decisive extent depends, as far as a person is able to carry out motor activities, to build it in a variety of forms, to achieve certain results in it. It is not by chance that the task of optimizing the development of these qualities is in physical education of paramount significance.

    The tasks under consideration have at the same time the aspect arising from the need to fully use the factors of physical culture to strengthen and many years of maintaining health. Although the concept of "health" has not yet received strictly scientific interpretation *, it is not fundamentally in doubt that what is meant by "physical health" is largely due to the full physical development of the individual. Health Guaranteed Tasks are solved on the basis of education of physical qualities and derived from them of motor abilities, especially those whose development leads to an increase in the overall level of functional and adaptive capabilities of the body. Hence, however, it does not follow that the tasks of strengthening health and the tasks for the education of motor abilities coincide entirely and their implementation does not have its own characteristics. In particular, the tasks of hardening the body (increasing its resistance to adverse environmental impacts) and

    * The term "ability", as is known, is ambiguous. In accordance with the terminology adopted in the textbook, under the "physical abilities" implies those of the person inherent opportunities implemented in life, especially in the motor activity, the basis of which is their physical qualities. Their specifics and relationships are generally characterized above.

    ** Remarkable judgments for this, for example, in the book. N. M. Amosov "Meditation of Health". M., 1978.

    The healthy lifestyle generally has independent health importance, the implementation of them in the process of physical education implies, among other things, specially focused on this system of physical cultural and hygienic nature.

    Together with the main tasks, solved in order to optimize individual physical development, in physical education, certain tasks of improving the physique are also envisaged. We are talking, of course, not about the artificial leveling of the individual characteristics of the physique on some standard or fashionable canons of bodily beauty, but about the promotion of naturally normal, incompatible formation of bodily forms on the basis of the comprehensive education of physical qualities and human motor abilities. In a truly rational system of physical education, such tasks are not given the dominant value (in contrast to the cultural flows, seeking to immeasurable muscles for the sake of a demonstration of falsely understanding bodily power), but it would be wrong to assume that such a problem is generally insignificant.

    Perfect body shapes are expressed in some extent the perfection of the functions of the body. As one of the natural expressions of the normal physical development of a person, the traits of physical beauty externally testify to its life forces, and in this connection, aesthetic value is also present. It is not by chance that the images of bodily beauty from ancient times entered the aesthetic representations of mankind - in the ancient Greece they received their incarnation in the famous works of art, still captivating our imagination ("Hermes" Praxitel, Apoximen Lisippa, "Diskol" Mirone, " Copsethater »Polyclet," Fist Fighter "Apollonia, etc.). Nevertheless, the desire to give their body impressive forms justified only inspired, as this does not become an end in itself, but subordinated to the interests of the comprehensive development of activity forces, major vital qualities and abilities. In principle, such a position should be determining in the formulation and implementation of tasks to improve the physique, in particular on the appropriate regulation of the volume of muscles, body weight, etc. In certain cases, these tasks may also have therapeutic and preventive, and medical and corrective aspects (Correction of posture , Fighting flatfoot, etc.).

    In general, the tasks of optimizing individual physical development are solved throughout the long-term process of physical education; The concrete content of them in different periods of age does not remain, of course, unchanged. Seriously replacing each other periods of age development of a person - Early children's (the first years of life), children's, teenage, youthful, maturity and aging - differ along with other features of the unequal capabilities and trends in physical development. Most important

    The valid translational changes in the forms and the functionality of the body occur due to the natural patterns of age development during the periods preceding the mature age, then the periods of relative stabilization of forms and functions adopted by periods of age involution, when certain morphofunctional properties of the body are gradually regressing *. This life cycle is reproduced from generation to generation, repeating in accordance with the trends characteristic of age periods, and at the same time changing in certain features depending on the specific conditions of individual development. Naturally, in physical education, the task of optimizing the physical development of educated themselves should be put and solved in relation to the peculiarities of the periods of age-related development. During the periods preceding the age stabilization of the forms and functions of the body, when it is especially plastic and susceptible to developing impacts, there are greatest opportunities for the implementation of tasks to ensure the directional highly dynamic development of physical qualities and directly related abilities. As the age ripening of the individual, the tasks of preventing the loss of the achieved shifts in the development of physical qualities and improving motor abilities become increasingly relevant in the development of physical qualities. As agreed, the leading importance in physical education acquires the installation to counter the age regress of physical capacity, minimizing its degree, the possible maintenance of a certain level of physical performance and the normal state of the organism for many years.

    The second group is set.This group of specific tasks decisled in the process of physical education is constituted special educational tasks.The main of them is to;

    • Make the property of each person the basic knowledge of the teaching of the RATIC character, accumulated in the field of physical k in l-tours;

    • Ensure the rational formation of an individual fund of motor skills and skills fit in life, bring them to the necessary degree of perfection.
    The educational orientation of physical education, as well as any process of education - education, is primarily ensured by the systematic transmission (training) and consistent assimilation (trained) of a certain set of knowledge, systematic replenishment and deepening them. Modern

    * Read more about the classification of periods of age-related development and the characterization of age-related changes of the forms and functions of the body, see, in particular; In KN. "Age physiology." L .. science, 1975.

    Credentials of physical education programs provide for the introduction of brought up to a fairly wide circle of funkul-tourware knowledge. This is knowledge about. the essence of physical culture, its meaning for personality and society, principles and rules of rational use of its values; This is a knowledge of a purely applied nature, which are the necessary prerequisite for the conscious formation of motor skills and skills, effective use of physical abilities in life, as well as other knowledge related to physical culture, including physical culture and hygienic.

    With a support for the relevant knowledge and in unity with the upbringing of physical abilities in the process of physical education, tasks are solved by systemic formation and improving the most necessary motor skills and skills. The educational meaning of such tasks showed well P. F. Forest Gaft, who created the doctrine of "physical education". He emphasized that it would be fundamentally wrong to limit physical education only to concern about the development of human body qualities, which is equally important to teach everyone to "isolate individual movements and compare them among themselves, consciously manage them and adapt to obstacles, overcoming them with perhaps greater dexterity and persistence, otherwise shouting, to learn with the smallest labor in the possibility of a smaller period of time consciously produce the greatest physical work "*.

    The importance of these tasks is due to the fact that without motor skills and skills it is impossible to realize the abilities in practical activity. Even the uncommon physical fees of the individual, "they obtained by nature" and will remain potencies, if you do not implement them in activities, linking the rational methods of performing motor actions, engine skills and skills. Forming as appropriately debugged ways to control movements, motor skills and skills are the necessary concerted actually manifested motor abilities **. From the systemic formation of them in the process of physical education, its practical efficiency depends largely.

    The natural sequence in the formation of the Individual Fund of Motor Skills and Skills is such that at first, on the basis of congenital motor capabilities and elementary movements, relatively simple motor skills are formed, which, as the consolidation, go into the moving skills of the first order; Then, on them, depending on the dynamics of individual physical development, more complex motor skills are formed, passing by consolidation in

    * P. F. L of her g a ft. Sob. Ped. Open .. t. I. M., FIS, 1951, p. 295. ** The characteristic of the ratio of motor actions, motor skills and skills in ch. IV.

    High-order motor skills. With the increase in the number and diversity of acquired motor skills and skills, the possibility of the rapid formation of new practical skills required in life is developing ability to expediently convert motor actions, improve them. These patterns are taken into account when solving educational tasks on consecutive stages of many years of physical education. In the first stages, it is envisaged to provide basic physical education - the systemic formation of source and basic vital motor skills and skills (in walking, running, actions with objects, overcoming substantive obstacles, etc.); The following stages are solved by the tasks of enrichment of an individual database of the skills and skills in the aspect of general physical education, creating this fund in the amount necessary in life, and in the in-depth improvement of skills, skills in the aspect of specialization in certain selected modes of motor activity (in particular , sports). It is meant by means of multistage learning to form and improve both the motor actions that find continuous use (the so-called applied and vocational and applied), and those that are not characterized by such a butt, nevertheless have Value as effective means of versatile physical education and education of physical abilities (it is precisely in this respect that many motor actions included in gymnastic, gaming and sports exercises).

    Oracterized two groups of specific tasks (tasks for optimizing individual physical development and specific educational tasks) are closely interrelated, but do not be reduced to each other neither logically or in their practical implementation. They need to be distinguished as they relate to objectively differing from each other to the parties of physical education. At the same time, it is necessary to keep in mind the organic interconnection and interdependence of the actual results of these tasks in the actual indivisible process of learning and education.

    CommonGame Tasks.In unity with the considered specific tasks in the process of physical education, the tasks of social formation of the personality, the upbringing of members of the society, devoted to his ideals and their defending interests are resolved. These tasks are put forward by society in front of the entire social system of education as highly significant. Each teacher is descended to decide independently of its narrow-professional specialization (in this sense, they can be called "commonabing").

    The most important of them in the socialist education system are, as you know, the tasks involving the moral, ideological-p ithic and labor

    Education of members of society. The main focus of the education of the consciousness and behavior of the personality in the conditions of social and construction is found in this expression. From how purposefully, consistently and efficiently ensured in the process of education, the formation of an active life position in accordance with high-imaginary ideals, principles and norms of behavior, the general social useful effect of each individual type of education, including the education of physical, depends into a decisive measure. No matter how significant the results are achieved by the education of the physical qualities and motor abilities of the individual, they may be at least useless for society, if the owner is not educated, if he has not been developed solid moral principles and there is no active desire to apply their strength for the benefit societies. In other words, the socially useful effect of physical education is determined among other things, how closely the physical and moral education is connected.

    In the process of physical education, certain tasks of raising will, positive qualities of the nature, emotions and the aesthetic needs of the person are resolved. The objective unity of the physical and spiritual development of a person allows in the course of physical education to effectively solve these tasks. Of course, the multi-faceted formation of the person is ensured not only in the process of physical education is a common-valuable problem, but it is impossible to fully solve it without physical education, as well as without an organic connection with other species (parties) of upbringing, it is impossible. Only in unity they become valid guarantors of the comprehensive harmonious human development *.

    2.2. Aspects and forms of concretization of tasks solved in the process of physical education

    The main aspects of specifying tasks.The specific setting of tasks generalizedly formulated in Section 2.1.2 involves consistently detail their content in a number of aspects, relations. In fig. 2 shows a scheme **, which shows that the specification of tasks in the long-term process of physical education is in the aspect of practical profiling directions adopted in the physical education system, and at the same time in the aspects that arise from the need

    * For more information about the links of physical education with other types of educational and solved, taking into account these bonds, see Pedagogical problems. IX.

    ** The scheme contains only the main aspects of concretizing specific tasks solved in physical education; They are considered in more detail in subsequent heads of the textbook.

    "Time scale" (years of life)

    Fig. 2. The main aspects of concretization of common tasks solved in the process of many years of physical education

    Differentiated setting of tasks in relation to real features that distinguish various contingent and each individual. Along with this, the tasks are specified in a temporary aspect, that is, consistently detailed over time in relation to periods, stages and other units of the process of physical education process.

    In accordance with the practical profiling directions of the system of physical education, the general tasks solved in it receive a specific refraction on the profile of general physicscasky training, professional and applied physical training and sports training.In other words, guided by the initial common tasks, the entire system of physical education is aimed at the implementation of which the entire system of physical education is aimed, it is necessary to correlate them with the named profile directions that have developed in the practice of physical education, and accordingly differentiate. So, typical of general physical training are tasks involving a broad physical education and achievement (or maintenance) of the basic level of comprehensive development of vital physical abilities. As part of professional and applied physical training and sports training, special attention is paid to the tasks of selective in-depth improvement of motor skills, skills and abilities necessary to achieve sufficiently high results in the activities chosen as a subject of professional labor or sports specialization, which, however, does not exclude Further implementation of the tasks of general physical training.

    Individualized concretization of

    The cottages solved in physical education involves a detailed correlation with them with the individual capabilities and features of those brought up, on which the implementation of the tasks extended. The essence of the case is that, on the basis of common target installations, in each particular case, put an individually affordable task, the difficulty of solving which would correspond to the real possibilities of the individual at the current stage of its development and at the same time stimulated its development. This specification of tasks is, of course, not simple, especially when organizing an educational process in the form of widely practitioned collective (group, etc.) of classes, but necessary and possible, subject to qualified accounting of individual, age, sex features and level of preparedness raised.

    Specify the tasks in a temporary aspect - it means to relate them over time, objectively necessary and favorable to solve them, calculate the scale of this time and the appropriate sequence of solving private problems. Although the solution of the general tasks discussed above is planned for the entire multi-year process of physical education (as permanent in this sense), in a particular expression they should be dynamic, varying over time as private tasks are implemented in them. Each rather major long-term task when planning the course of its implementation is divided into a number of private (partial) tasks, for the consistent implementation of which certain deadlines are needed - from relatively short (for example, limited to the duration of individual classes) to very long (for example, monthly, annual and more) . From here and there is a problem of the expedient distribution of a complex of private tasks in time: it is required that depending on the timing and other prerequisites, objectively needed to solve each individual task, all of them would be correctly represented in real time, correlated with its necessary costs and planned in optimal sequence.

    The terms and procedure for solving a number of tasks in many ways depend, of course, on the patterns of age-related development of the body, including from the natural change in age periods, which differ in the different tendencies of the natural change in the physical qualities of the person and associated motor abilities. In particular, the tasks involving the achievement of particularly significant shifts in the development of physical qualities and motor abilities of various nature (high-speed, power, motor-coordination, endurance, flexibility) should be planned taking into account the so-called sensitive ("sensitive") periods of age development when Due to the natural ripening of the forms and functions of the body, the most favorable prerequisites for aimed at the quality of quality data, abilities are applied. Terms of decision of the Conk-

    Reta tasks also depend on the degree of real difficulties that need to be overcome on the way to perform one or another task, methods and conditions of its implementation, the level of preparedness and individual features of the development of brought up.

    From what is said it is clear that it is quite specifically to put each individual task, you can only in a specific situation of its solution. In unified programs for physical education designed for broad contingent (school, university, army, etc.), tasks are formulated in generalized, more specifically, they are put in work plans and other materials planning materials organized for a specific group involved, most specifically - When developing individual settings, tasks. The specifications in the formulation of tasks should receive its expression not only in a clear certainty of their semantic content, but also in a clear definition of those quantitative results, which it is necessary to achieve to solve problems (when, of course, there is real opportunities).

    Standards as a unified quantitative expression fordachas solved in physical education.The problem of a clear quantitative formulation of tasks in pedagogical theory and practice has not received enough complete development. First of all, this is due to its extraordinary complexity. There are, however, the causes of other order associated with the previous underestimation of accurate quantitative criteria in the field of pedagogical activity. Ironizing on this occasion, the famous English teacher stated anxiously: "If the engineers were built bridges, the doctors treated people, and lawyers were judged by the accused with such a tendency to superficial generalizations and such a lack of convincing justifications that we sometimes meet in pedagogy, then all bridges It would have been collapsed for a long time, patients died, and innocent would be hanged "*.

    In physical education, regulatory methods of quantitative formulation of tasks and evaluation of the results of their implementation are now quite widely practiced. The term "norm", "standard" in a quantitative and regulatory sense, as is known, mean a certain amount of measure taken for a unified indicator of what should be achieved as a result of activities **. The totality of the norms commensurate with different levels of results (from the initial to the limit) is, as it were, a consistent stage of climbing the stairs of achievements. Norms, if they are correctly correlated with the tasks and conditions of their implementation, quantitatively indicate the boundary and intermediate parameters on the path to the target, thereby serve as clear guidelines on this path in the quantitative form of

    * Quote. But km. L. B. ITELSON "Mathematical and cybernetic methods in pedagogy." .Vi., Enlightenment, 1964, p. 21.

    ** This should not be mixed with a qualitative understanding of the norms as principles and other legal entities, regulations regulating the intermediary relations and human behavior. insociety (moral norms, legal norms, etc.).

    Creately expressing upcoming tasks. At the same time, the norms also have an assessment value: to fulfill or no longer fulfillment, they can be judged with a certain certainty about how the tasks are being implemented, whether the course of physical education is suitable, what is the effectiveness of the funds and methods applied in it, as far as due to their use on the dynamics of physical development and physical fitness of educated. Given all this in the theory and practice of physical education, the problem of developing adequate standards is given to increasing attention.

    Of course, not all tasks in raising can be expressed in a quantitative and regulatory form; A number of tasks for the upbringing of the consciousness and moral qualities of the individual is not subject to quantitative-normative formalization (if not becoming the path of vulgarization itself). In the field of physical education, the quantitative regulatory formulation is distributed mainly on those tasks that can be expressed adequately in quantitative form as a regulatory of physical fitness. Among them are distinguished by standards that reflect mainly the degree of physical qualities as the basis of motor abilities ("conditional" standards), and standards reflecting the degree of modifies of motor skills and skills ("training", sports and technical preparedness, etc.). Such a division of standards, of course, is largely conditional, since what they reflect is actually one at its base.

    Development of a set of standards that adequately expressed the quantitative parameters of the results envisaged in physical education involves finding out first of all two questions: 1) which of the unlimited person's manifestations of human physical abilities to choose as the most informative indicators of comprehensive physical fitness; 2) What level of these indicators should be considered normal, norm. It is clearly clear that this question cannot be an unequivocal answer, since objectively the requirements for life for human physical fitness remain unchanged (both historically and in ontogenesis), and the specific characteristic of the physical status of a person. We can talk, therefore, only about dynamic norms and the differentiated definition of them for various demographic contingents, taking into account specific conditions that affect the level of their physical fitness.

    The selection of informative indicators of physical fitness of various contingents walked empirically for many centuries, but approaches to its rationalization weathered from scientific positions began to be outset relatively recently. They are associated with massive specialized surveys (testing) on \u200b\u200ban extensive program providing for a representative set of tests (tests in standardized control exercises), mat-matic-statistical processing and meaningful analysis of test results. When establishing physical fitness standards, it is not just averaged test data, but normalized variations of indicators.

    Universal standards of physical fitness on its very purpose should be available to every person who does not have significant flaws in the physical condition of the organis

    MA (congenital or introduced such causes as a serious illness, injury), but accessible under the condition of a certain preparation (if the standards are set at the level, allowing them to perform them without any preliminary training, which means that they are clearly understated and cannot have a stimulating value) . Special character has sports and classification standards, which are established in accordance with the principle of the progressive increase in the difficulties of implementation, which gives them an extraordinary stimulating value, but the actual availability of them are the less than their higher levels *.

    As program and regulatory installations in the Soviet system of physical education, a detailed system of standards has been adopted. The main among them for the younger generation and mass contingents of the population of mature age are represented by the standards of the All-Union Physical Complex of the GTO. As it were, as it were, they are complemented by a number of regulatory requirements provided for (except GTO) in physical education programs for various educational institutions and in a single All-Union Sports Classification. Such a system of standards for good balance contributes in principle, a clear concretization of consistently solved tasks to ensure basic physical fitness and further physical improvement.

    Other ways to quantify tasks.In the practice of physical education, along with the use of unified regulatory indicators, other methods of a clear formulation of them are used to specify the tasks, allowing them to give them a parametric certainty, and at the same time individualize them (unified regulations are not calculated).

    In particular, the widespread statement of individualized motor tasks involved in the framework of clearly defined parameters (spatial, temporary, power) is widespread in this respect. The formulation of such tasks is the main way to specify the private tasks solved in each lesson. Ideally, the tasks must be carefully designed for each relatively completed series of classes aimed at performing step-by-learning tasks for engaging actions and education of physical abilities, in relation to the cash of their implementation, in order to optimally use the possibilities of performing stage tasks and general standards in the established Dates.

    As the accumulation and refinement of scientific information about biological and related factors determining motor

    * For more reason about the problems of the development of physical fitness standards, see Lit. To chapter (2, 3).

    The possibilities of a person, such methods for specifying tasks are also being introduced into the practice of physical education, as promising, stage and operational operational planning of the necessary (from the standpoint of the planned tasks) of changes in the state of the body under certain indicators expressing the degree of capacity of its systems (muscular, cardiovascular , respiratory, etc.). Thus, when setting problems for education of power abilities, there is a desirable level of development of force qualities according to partial dynamometric indicators characterizing the functionality of the main muscle groups of the engine device; When setting the tasks to raise endurance, there are desirable changes in its indicators characterizing its indicators, in particular the magnitudes of pulmonary ventilation, oxygen consumption and other measurable indicators of the functionality of vegetative systems of the organism, etc. Each such indicator is separately not equal to integral results of the results, At the achievement of which physical education was directed, but taken together, these "partial" indicators, if their relationships and patterns of change in the process of physical education are known, are very important to specify specific tasks solved in it, as well as for objective control over their implementation.

    In the future, the possibility of optimal forecasting and planning the results of physical education based on a strict calculation of both holistic indicators of the level of comprehensive physical fitness, and the combination of its parameters of the functionality of vital systems of the body. Interesting in this connection attempted in recent decades attempts to present parametric model characteristics of the highest class athletes. We are talking about the desire to simulate the main features of the competitive activity of the athlete needed to demonstrate the maximum sporting result, to calculate the indicators of the athlete (physical, technical, tactical, etc.) for this, as well as the measure of the development of morpho-functional and other individual characteristics, Express all this in the aggregate of the parameters that could serve clear reference points to the highest achievements *. Although the available model characteristics of this kind are still far from excellence and the methodology of compiling them needs serious development, the experience of creating them deserves, undoubtedly attention. By analogy with them, the development of model characteristics of the BBC icoclies, students passing the course professionally-c

    Foreign physical training, other contingents passing a course of physical education.


    1. Introduction to the theory of physical culture. Studies. Manual for IFC-under total. ed. L. P. Matveyeva. GL I, IV. M., "FIS, 1983.

    2. Methodology for the construction of proper norms of physical fitness. Cost. E. Ya. Bondarevsky and others. M., VNIIFK, 1983.

    3. Regulatory requirements of the Soviet system of physical education. Ed. E. Ya. Bondarevsky. M., VNIIFK,1976.

    4. Matveev L. P. Soviet system of physical education (state and development prospects). M., Knowledge, 1980.

    (1924 R.) - graduate of the State Central Order of Lenin Institute of Physical Culture (1950). A specialist in the field of theory and techniques of physical education, physical culture and sports.

    Member of the Great Patriotic War.

    Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (1965). Professor (1967). Honored Scientist of Russia (1984). Honorary Doctor of the German Higher School of Physical Culture (1985).

    Published more than 300 scientific papers, including: the monographs "Problem of the Periodization of Sport Training" (1964, etc.), "Basics of Sports Training" (1977, etc.), "Introduction to the theory of physical culture" (1983, etc.), "Essays on the theory of physical culture" (1984, editor and co-author), "Theory and Methods of Physical Culture" (1991); Tutorials "Theory and Methodology of Physical Education" (1967, 1976 et al.; Seedacitor and co-author), "Theory and Methodology of Physical Culture" (1991), "Theory and Sport Methodology" (1992).

    Prize winner of the USSR Sports Committee, for the best research work in the field of physical culture and sports (1971, 1979).

    He was awarded the Order "For merit to the Fatherland" of the Ostroena (1999).

    As a consultant participated in the preparation of the Olympic champion Yu. Vlasov and other well-known athletes.

    Head of the Department of theoretical and methodological foundations of physical culture and sports of the Russian State Academy of Physical Culture.

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    • - Adjunct. Mosk. un. on the cafe Slavyansk. Yaz., Theor. Elegant. art.,. archeology and verbal., p. Matv. Gavr. Gavrilova, r. Feb. 19 1795 in Moscow, † after April 1 1867 ...

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    • - The doctor, in 1841 he graduated from the course of Moscow. Univ., In 1874 he received a doctorate of medicine for the dissertation: "De Morbis Puerperalis" and appointed professor at Kiev Univ. At the department of obstetrics, female and childhood diseases ...

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